(too old to reply)
Rosser Schwarz
2013-02-05 19:36:45 UTC
Additionally, postgres has a number of "metadata" columns (e.g., xmin,
xmax, cmin, cmax, &c). Those can add up, particularly when their net size
is greater than the user data size of a row.

I'm trying to migrate a database from MySQL to postgres and I'm
struggling with the amount of
diskspace the resulting db takes.
I may be missing a setting somewhere but I can't see one anywhere
obvious (apologies if I'm being
Even postgres' idea of the size of the columns don't match up to its
own reported size of the data.
st_id integer NOT NULL,
log smallint NOT NULL,
"time" integer NOT NULL,
token character(4) NOT NULL,
data character varying(500) DEFAULT NULL::character varying
# SELECT pg_size_pretty(sum(pg_column_size(data) +
pg_column_size(st_id) + pg_column_size(log) +
pg_column_size(token) + pg_column_size(time))) FROM result;
178 MB
(1 row)
# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('result'));
613 MB
(1 row)
I'd naively expected these two figures to be similar.
I've run vacuum analyze and it made no difference (not a major surprise
because all I've done so far
is create the database and sequentially insert the data into the
I expected a little overhead from what I'd read before the migration
but that's a fairly huge
As I said, sorry if I've missed the obvious "use loads of extra space"
setting but I'd appreciate any
suggestion as to what that setting might be called :)
I don't think that pg_column_size() is a good tool to
measure table size.
I'd suggest that you use pg_table_size for the table itself
and pg_indexes_size for the size of ist indexes.
That should come close to the amount of disk space taken.
Agreed, don't forget, you have indexes, free space, vacuum-able stuff,
etc... all laying in your datafiles. Your measurements are telling you
what you have purely in a raw form.
--Scott Mead
Laurenz Albe
Geoff Winkless
2013-02-05 20:33:34 UTC
Thanks for all the responses....
Post by Rosser Schwarz
Agreed, don't forget, you have indexes, free space, vacuum-able stuff,
etc... all laying in your datafiles. Your measurements are telling you
what you have purely in a raw form.
Indexes are stored separately. There should be no free space (why would
there be? FILLFACTOR is 100!) and I've vacuumed already.

Additionally, postgres has a number of "metadata" columns (e.g., xmin,
Post by Rosser Schwarz
xmax, cmin, cmax, &c). Those can add up, particularly when their net size
is greater than the user data size of a row.
That's a fair point.

611MB (actual disk size) - 138MB (summed data size) = 483MB
11M rows (ish).

That's nearly 48 bytes extra per row.

http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.2/static/storage-page-layout.html gives

Let's say around 249MB (23 bytes per row, according to that page) for the
columns you mention, so that leaves 234MB unexplained.

I can see 44 bytes per page header (given 5 columns, so 20 bytes
ItemIdData, with 24 bytes PageHeaderData). Given page size of 8kb that
would imply page headers of about 3.3MB over a 611MB table.

Even with some bytes for alignment I'm Still not seeing where 230MB (more
than the space taken by the data itself) of my disk is gone.


