Chander Ganesan
2012-05-09 13:58:45 UTC
Hi All,
I'm running into a weird issue with PostgreSQL 9.1.3 and PostGIS 2.0
when trying to dump a table - no matter what table I try to dump in this
database, I find that I get the same error, as evidenced below (scroll
down for relevant data/error output.)
Any ideas as to what might be the root cause of it ?
The error, and some output from relevant queries is below. In this
case, those things that are "supposed" to live in 2200 seem to be some
PostGIS related tables and views - which were moved after installation
(IIRC) using the alter extension statement (moved into the PostGIS
schema.) Though the original public schema still exists...
I've got another database (also with postgis 2.0 installed) where it's
not possible for some reason to dump the postgis.spatial_ref_sys table
(dumps return nothing, though I can query the table directly.)
(erma)***@ermadev2:/data/dwhresponder/ERMA/logs$ pg_dump -t
arctic.data_layer erma
pg_dump: schema with OID 2200 does not exist
(erma)***@ermadev2:/data/dwhresponder/ERMA/logs$ psql erma
psql (9.1.3)
Type "help" for help.
erma=# \pset pager
erma=# select oid,* from pg_namespace ;
oid | nspname | nspowner |
11125 | pg_toast_temp_1 | 10 | {postgres=UC/postgres}
11 | pg_catalog | 10 |
11394 | information_schema | 10 |
99 | pg_toast | 10 | {postgres=UC/postgres}
19061 | postgis | 16384 |
11124 | pg_temp_1 | 10 | {postgres=UC/postgres}
6887848 | pacific | 16384 |
7163349 | gulfofmexico | 16384 |
6292634 | arctic | 16384 |
6834227 | newengland | 16384 |
7114095 | southwest | 16384 |
5973178 | public | 16384 |
6982864 | northwest | 16384 |
6708470 | caribbean | 16384 |
6795143 | fireresponse | 16384 |
18916 | topology | 16384 |
6785026 | atlantic | 16384 |
(17 rows)
erma=# SELECT tableoid, oid, typname, typnamespace, (SELECT rolname FROM
pg_catalog.pg_roles WHERE oid = typowner) AS rolname, typinput::oid AS
typinput, typoutput::oid AS typoutput, typelem, typrelid, CASE WHEN
typrelid = 0 THEN ' '::"char" ELSE (SELECT relkind FROM pg_class WHERE
oid = typrelid) END AS typrelkind, typtype, typisdefined, typname[0] =
'_' AND typelem != 0 AND (SELECT typarray FROM pg_type te WHERE oid =
pg_type.typelem) = oid AS isarray FROM pg_type where typnamespace=2200
tableoid | oid | typname | typnamespace | rolname |
typinput | typoutput | typelem | typrelid | typrelkind | typtype |
typisdefined | isarray
1247 | 18045 | spatial_ref_sys | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18043 | r | c | t
| f
1247 | 18044 | _spatial_ref_sys | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18045 | 0 | | b | t
| t
1247 | 18351 | geography_columns | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18349 | v | c | t
| f
1247 | 18350 | _geography_columns | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18351 | 0 | | b | t
| t
1247 | 18455 | geometry_columns | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18453 | v | c | t
| f
1247 | 18454 | _geometry_columns | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18455 | 0 | | b | t
| t
1247 | 18897 | raster_columns | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18895 | v | c | t
| f
1247 | 18896 | _raster_columns | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18897 | 0 | | b | t
| t
1247 | 18906 | raster_overviews | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18904 | v | c | t
| f
1247 | 18905 | _raster_overviews | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18906 | 0 | | b | t
| t
(10 rows)
I'm running into a weird issue with PostgreSQL 9.1.3 and PostGIS 2.0
when trying to dump a table - no matter what table I try to dump in this
database, I find that I get the same error, as evidenced below (scroll
down for relevant data/error output.)
Any ideas as to what might be the root cause of it ?
The error, and some output from relevant queries is below. In this
case, those things that are "supposed" to live in 2200 seem to be some
PostGIS related tables and views - which were moved after installation
(IIRC) using the alter extension statement (moved into the PostGIS
schema.) Though the original public schema still exists...
I've got another database (also with postgis 2.0 installed) where it's
not possible for some reason to dump the postgis.spatial_ref_sys table
(dumps return nothing, though I can query the table directly.)
(erma)***@ermadev2:/data/dwhresponder/ERMA/logs$ pg_dump -t
arctic.data_layer erma
pg_dump: schema with OID 2200 does not exist
(erma)***@ermadev2:/data/dwhresponder/ERMA/logs$ psql erma
psql (9.1.3)
Type "help" for help.
erma=# \pset pager
erma=# select oid,* from pg_namespace ;
oid | nspname | nspowner |
11125 | pg_toast_temp_1 | 10 | {postgres=UC/postgres}
11 | pg_catalog | 10 |
11394 | information_schema | 10 |
99 | pg_toast | 10 | {postgres=UC/postgres}
19061 | postgis | 16384 |
11124 | pg_temp_1 | 10 | {postgres=UC/postgres}
6887848 | pacific | 16384 |
7163349 | gulfofmexico | 16384 |
6292634 | arctic | 16384 |
6834227 | newengland | 16384 |
7114095 | southwest | 16384 |
5973178 | public | 16384 |
6982864 | northwest | 16384 |
6708470 | caribbean | 16384 |
6795143 | fireresponse | 16384 |
18916 | topology | 16384 |
6785026 | atlantic | 16384 |
(17 rows)
erma=# SELECT tableoid, oid, typname, typnamespace, (SELECT rolname FROM
pg_catalog.pg_roles WHERE oid = typowner) AS rolname, typinput::oid AS
typinput, typoutput::oid AS typoutput, typelem, typrelid, CASE WHEN
typrelid = 0 THEN ' '::"char" ELSE (SELECT relkind FROM pg_class WHERE
oid = typrelid) END AS typrelkind, typtype, typisdefined, typname[0] =
'_' AND typelem != 0 AND (SELECT typarray FROM pg_type te WHERE oid =
pg_type.typelem) = oid AS isarray FROM pg_type where typnamespace=2200
tableoid | oid | typname | typnamespace | rolname |
typinput | typoutput | typelem | typrelid | typrelkind | typtype |
typisdefined | isarray
1247 | 18045 | spatial_ref_sys | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18043 | r | c | t
| f
1247 | 18044 | _spatial_ref_sys | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18045 | 0 | | b | t
| t
1247 | 18351 | geography_columns | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18349 | v | c | t
| f
1247 | 18350 | _geography_columns | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18351 | 0 | | b | t
| t
1247 | 18455 | geometry_columns | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18453 | v | c | t
| f
1247 | 18454 | _geometry_columns | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18455 | 0 | | b | t
| t
1247 | 18897 | raster_columns | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18895 | v | c | t
| f
1247 | 18896 | _raster_columns | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18897 | 0 | | b | t
| t
1247 | 18906 | raster_overviews | 2200 | chander |
2290 | 2291 | 0 | 18904 | v | c | t
| f
1247 | 18905 | _raster_overviews | 2200 | chander |
750 | 751 | 18906 | 0 | | b | t
| t
(10 rows)
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