[ADMIN] table names seem identical
(too old to reply)
Ray Stell
2012-03-07 15:39:48 UTC
how I can differentiate these:

oamp=# \z public.c3*
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column access privileges
public | c3p0_connection_test | table | |
public | c3p0_connection_test | table | |
(2 rows)

oamp=# select * from pg_tables where tablename = 'c3p0_connection_test';
schemaname | tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers
public | c3p0_connection_test | admin | | f | f | f
(1 row)

oamp=# select version();
PostgreSQL 9.0.7 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-51), 32-bit
(1 row)
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Walter Hurry
2012-03-07 17:41:41 UTC
Post by Ray Stell
oamp=# \z public.c3*
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column access privileges
Post by Ray Stell
public | c3p0_connection_test | table | |
public | c3p0_connection_test | table | |
(2 rows)
oamp=# select * from pg_tables where tablename = 'c3p0_connection_test';
schemaname | tablename | tableowner | tablespace |
hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers
Post by Ray Stell
public | c3p0_connection_test | admin | | f
| f | f
(1 row)
misc=# create table test1(flag varchar(1));
misc=# create table "test1 "(flag varchar(1));
Sent via pgsql-admin mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
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Ray Stell
2012-03-07 18:26:11 UTC
Post by Walter Hurry
misc=# create table test1(flag varchar(1));
misc=# create table "test1 "(flag varchar(1));
yeah, that is the case, the \z output is truncated it seems:

Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column access privileges
public | c3p0_connection_test | table | |
public | c3p0_connection_test | table | |
(2 rows)

oamp=# select * from pg_tables where tablename = 'c3p0_connection_test ';
schemaname | tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers
public | c3p0_connection_test | admin | | f | f | f
(1 row)

oamp=# select * from pg_tables where tablename = 'c3p0_connection_test';
schemaname | tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers
public | c3p0_connection_test | admin | | f | f | f
(1 row)
Sent via pgsql-admin mailing list (pgsql-***@postgresql.org)
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David Kerr
2012-03-08 06:08:09 UTC
Post by Ray Stell
oamp=# \z public.c3*
Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column access privileges
public | c3p0_connection_test | table | |
public | c3p0_connection_test | table | |
(2 rows)
oamp=# select * from pg_tables where tablename = 'c3p0_connection_test';
schemaname | tablename | tableowner | tablespace | hasindexes | hasrules | hastriggers
public | c3p0_connection_test | admin | | f | f | f
(1 row)
oamp=# select version();
PostgreSQL 9.0.7 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-51), 32-bit
(1 row)
do you really want to differentiate or are you just pointing out that
it's difficult to tell via \z?

because if you really need to know then you can do
Post by Ray Stell
psql -E temp
temp=# \z test*
********* QUERY **********
SELECT n.nspname as "Schema",
c.relname as "Name",
CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'v' THEN 'view' WHEN 'S'
THEN 'sequence' END as "Type",
pg_catalog.array_to_string(c.relacl, E'\n') AS "Access privileges",
SELECT attname || E':\n ' || pg_catalog.array_to_string(attacl,
E'\n ')
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
WHERE attrelid = c.oid AND NOT attisdropped AND attacl IS NOT NULL
), E'\n') AS "Column access privileges"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relkind IN ('r', 'v', 'S')
AND c.relname ~ '^(test.*)$'
AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
ORDER BY 1, 2;

Access privileges
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column access privileges
public | test | table | |
public | test | table | |
(2 rows)

Now you have the query, so alter it to:
SELECT n.nspname as "Schema",
* 'x'||c.relname||'x' as "Name",
* CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN 'v' THEN 'view' WHEN 'S'
THEN 'sequence' END as "Type",
pg_catalog.array_to_string(c.relacl, E'\n') AS "Access privileges",
SELECT attname || E':\n ' || pg_catalog.array_to_string(attacl,
E'\n ')
FROM pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
WHERE attrelid = c.oid AND NOT attisdropped AND attacl IS NOT NULL
), E'\n') AS "Column access privileges"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relkind IN ('r', 'v', 'S')
AND c.relname ~ '^(test.*)$'
AND n.nspname !~ '^pg_' AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
ORDER BY 1, 2;

and you'll get:
Schema | Name | Type | Access privileges | Column access privileges
public | xtestx | table | |
public | xtest x | table | |
(2 rows)
